Prestige, The (2006)


Ratings & comments

full starfull starfull starfull starempty star

Part period-piece and part cinematic magic-trick, The Prestige is mostly just very, very clever. It's a terrible, tragic drama about two rival illusionists, Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale), whose competition extends to sabotage, assault, kidnapping and eventually even murder. Their escalating feud plays out with the horrific inevitability of a Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, and it doesn't make for pleasant viewing -- especially when it comes to the collateral damage.

Both leads are excellent, though it takes some time to warm to their characters. Given that they're two of my least-favourite working lead actors, as is co-star Scarlett Johansson, this isn't light praise. I hope that director Christopher Nolan eventually discovers the glories of colour, but at least the muted pictures were gorgeous to look at.

Ultimately, it's the twist ending that makes the film worthwhile, completing it both narratively and thematically. A dull first hour is more than worth suffering for a payoff this satisfying.

- Sam - 2007-07-25 07:57:11