Bell Book and Candle (1958)


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Shep (James Stewart) is ensnared by Gil (Kim Novak), a modern-day witch. Additional plot complications arise in the form of her brother Nicky (Jack Lemmon), a warlock who teams up with author Sidney Redlitch (Ernie Kovacs) to write a book about the secret magic-users of Greenwich Village.

It's a cute film, with some of the "straight-man suffers magical mishaps" that later became staples in the likes of Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, but, perhaps surprisingly, it is more romance than comedy. It is said that a witch cannot cry and will lose her powers if she falls in love; Novak convincingly plays the ice queen who merely toys with Shep -- until, of course, it becomes something more.

It's a lovely little romance and well worth a look.

- Sam - 2013-05-22 00:25:08