Roger Ebert's Best Films of 1972

This list is ranked and is shown in descending order.

Rank Title Year Rating
1 Godfather, The 1972
full starfull starfull starfull starhalf star
2 L'amour l'après-midi aka Chloe in the Afternoon 1972
3 Boucher, Le aka The Butcher 1970
4 Murmur of the Heart aka Souffle au coeur, Le 1971
5 Muralla verde, La 1970
6 Sorrow and the Pity, The aka Chagrin et la pitié, Le 1969
7 Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The aka Giardino dei Finzi-Contini, Il 1970
8 Minnie and Moskowitz 1971
full starfull starhalf starempty starempty star
9 Sounder 1972
10 Great Northfield Minnesota Raid, The 1972