Evil Dead, The (1981)


Ratings & comments

full starfull starfull starempty starempty star

Low budget cult classic horror that I had somehow avoided ever seeing. A group of friends, most notably Ashley 'Ash' J. Williams (Bruce Campbell), travel to an isolated cabin in the woods, where they find a basement full of disturbing materials; playing a taped recording of the Necronomicon unleashes evil spirits.

It's an effective bit of cinema, made all the more charming for stories of the low-budget techniques used. There's rather a lot of gore, but it's at its best when it's just Campbell, enjoyable as always, alone in the cabin.

Not one I have any interest in seeing again, but glad to see what is probably the primary progenitor of Cabin in the Woods.

- Sam - 2015-08-09 02:01:06