Gun Crazy (1949)

Also known as

Deadly Is the Female


Ratings & comments

full starfull starfull starfull starhalf star

Opinion is divided over whether Gun Crazy (née Deadly Is the Female née Gun Crazy) qualifies as a film noir, but it's great all the same.

Bart Tare (John Dall) is crazy for guns the way some boys are crazy for cars or sport or art, and it leads him to a relationship with the only woman he's ever met who can shoot as well as he can: Annie Laurie Starr (Peggy Cummins). Starr's appetite for thrills leads in turn to crime and, eventually, tragedy.

It's predictable, but the execution more than makes up for it. Cummins is perfectly dangerous as Starr and the camera-work is impressive, especially for a B-movie. A real classic, not to be missed.

- Sam - 2007-05-05 14:03:51