Film Illiterate - Lists - Cross-linked collection of lists of great films with my progress through them.
What the Dickens? - Toy application to play with my JavaScript port of Divmod Reverend, a Python library for naïve Bayesian analysis.
jsbmp - Bit of code to generate bitmaps in JavaScript, e.g. for use in data
Userscripts - I use Greasemonkey. A lot.
Hagridizer - Simple JavaScript filter to apply some approximation of Hagrid's accent; see here for details.
Ark - Long-defunct Firefox extension to archive webpages with URLs matching a whitelist.
js-markdown - Even longer-defunct JavaScript implementation of Markdown. It was a "learn regular expressions" project and never worked 100%. If you are interested in such a thing, try Showdown.
i ♥ anime xoxo chuu - The first (and hopefully last) anime music video I ever made, a psuedonymous joke entry for the 2004 competition.
Roses - Poetry (not mine, thankfully) and ASCII flowers.
LiveJournal stuff - The two S2 styles I made, back in the day (Zesty has been adopted by Dreamwidth as a core style!) and some miscellaneous documentation.
WordPress plugins - A long time ago I liked WordPress enough to write a number of plugins for it.